The Mindi Show

How to Stop Letting Fears and People Pleasing Keep You From Doing What You Feel Is Best

Mindi Lyons Season 1 Episode 3

Is there something you feel called or inspired to do, but you know it’s going to tick some people off…

…raise some eyebrows
…make people question your judgment
…maybe lose some friends/followers

Maybe you feel like you need to make a shift in your life…

Change jobs
Move across the country
Leave a relationship
Start a relationship
Change churches/faiths
Have kids
Get a tattoo 

…whatever the heck it is…

…but you aren’t taking action because of what “they” will say or think. Even if you believe with your whole heart that you should do it. 

This episode is for you. 

I share a story of an anonymous conversation I had with someone struggling with exactly this. 

And I share how I personally navigate these issues. 

This episode is raw and uncut so lots of fumbling around for you to relate to my human-ness. 

You’re welcome! 😉 

If you find it helpful, share with a friend and why not throw in a 5 star ⭐️ Rating/Review while you’re at it! 😘 

Cheering you on, gorgeous. 



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